Contact Albright Engineering Design
By Telephone: +44 (0)1708 559090 By Email:

Bayer CropScience
Albright Design Engineering is approved to provide engineering design and consultancy services to our Norwich Site. Over the past 4 years they have successfully completed a number of design projects and would certainly be invited to tender for any suitable future works.

As a Project and Maintenance Engineer with BP Oil and more recently with Petroplus, Refining and Marketing at Coryton Bulk Terminal - I have employed Albright as consultants on various projects within Coryton Bulk Terminal over the past 4 years. The design contracts awarded to Albright have varied in size from small to quite large.
The projects were all dealt with professionally from conception through to commissioning and completion. In most cases Albright were allowed to project manage the work in direct liaison with the client.
Albright always ensured compliance with the client's company standards and specifications as well as relevent British standards which included the CDM regulations.
Tom Clements - Petrolplus Refining and Marketing Ltd

Total UK
We confirm that Albright is an approved contractor of Total UK Ltd. They have successfully completed a number of projects in the past and continue to supply us with engineering, design and management services.